The Certification Board for Professionals in Patient Safety (CBPPS) recently recognized Peter O’Brien, MD, CPPS, FACC as a Certified Professional in Patient Safety (CPPS).
Dr. O’Brien currently serves as the Medical Director of Centra Stroobants Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and as the Chief Quality Officer of Centra’s Heart and Vascular Institute.
“Earning this credential attests to Dr. O’Brien’s professional competency in patient safety science and application,” said Patricia McGaffigan, RN, MS, CPPS, President, CBPPS. “This achievement demonstrates his expertise in this critical discipline and positions him among those committed to and leading patient safety work.”
To attain the CPPS certification, Dr. O'Brien successfully passed a comprehensive, evidence-based examination that assessed his proficiency in patient safety science and its application across five pivotal domains–culture, leadership, patient safety risks and solutions, measuring and improving performance and systems thinking and design / human factors.
Furthering a Culture of Safety and Quality remains one of Centra’s five strategic themes, and Dr. O’Brien’s work to achieve the CPPS certification is one more example of how this culture is being fostered systemwide.